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Using Specify (No-Ring 0 version)

Specify is an open-source windows applications that gathers various data to help us troubleshoot your computer.

This is the No-Ring 0 version, where LibreHardwareMonitor/temperature has been excluded from the report. To get temperature readings, please refer to our HWinfo guide.


No sensitive information is included in the report, we will not ask you to share private information. You can view an example specify report here.

More information can be found on our README on GitHub.

How to use Specify

  1. Download the Specify tool from here.
  2. Run the Specify.exe program.
    • If a User Account Control (UAC) window pops up, press yes. If a Windows Smartscreen window pops up, select “More Info” and then “Run Anyway”.
  3. (Optional) - Select Settings and enable the Remove Username option if you wish to redact your user name from the report.
  4. Click on Start, wait for the program to complete scanning the system.
  5. Once it is done, it will automatically open a link and copy it to your clipboard. Click “Close Program” at the end to exit.
  6. Paste this link in the channel you are getting support from.
For machines without internet access

For machines without internet access, click the settings button and enable the ‘Don’t Upload’ option. Specify will save a file titled “specify_specs.json”. Please upload the file instead.

Data Retention Policies

In compliance with the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), the report will be automatically deleted after 24 hours. For more information about our data retention policies, please refer to our README on GitHub.