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This serves as a master list of recommended and permitted software that we permit in the community. Please see the ‘how tos’ that may be present for these pieces of software.

Disk ManipulationgpartedGparted is a Linux/GNU front-end to the parted tool. It is the recommended method for manipulating disks when using a Linux live session. How To Set Up
Bootable USB SolutionsWindows Media Creation ToolMicrosoft’s official tool used to do a clean install of Windows 10 and 11.
RufusA portable Windows program used to flash ISOs onto USB flash drives.
EtcherA cross-platform program used to flash non-Windows ISOs onto USB flash drives.
VentoyA multiboot solution for USBs.
Other / UtilitiesWizTreeThis software is used to view all of the files on your computer. You can use it to locate files you may otherwise not be aware of, and see a map of how full your drive is based on what you have downloaded.
Treesize FreeThis is another software similar to WizTree Free, and can be used to find what is taking up storage on your drives.
Display Driver Uninstaller (DDU)Use this program to cleanly uninstall your display drivers.
CpuZUse this software to see advanced system information.
Stress TestWe have a complete guide for stress testing found here.
Memtest86+We have a complete guide for testing RAM found here.
WinDBG PreviewThis is the program we use to read the diagnostics of your BSODs. While this is not an end-all guide, you can learn to get started by clicking here.
Revo UninstallerAdvanced uninstaller to be used only when an application must be removed completely. Regular use is not required.
7-ZipFile archiver tool that can compress files as well as extract multiple file formats such as .7z, .zip, .rar, and more.
PeaZipFile archiver tool similar to 7-Zip that also works on macOS and Linux.